Electrostatics: What is Electrostatics ?

"The branch of physics which deals with the properties of electricity at rest i.e. stationary a charge is called electrostatics or statical electricity. #science, #physics."

Electrostatics: What is Electrostatics ?

"The branch of physics which deals with the properties of electricity at rest i.e. stationary a charge is called electrostatics or statical electricity."

The stationary charge can be produced in insulating substances like amber, ebonite, glass, etc. rubbing with fur, silk cloth, etc.

The important properties that are dealt with in electrostatics are electric charge, electric field, electric potential, dielectric polarization, capacitance, etc. While electrostatic studies usually concentrate on electricity at rest, it should be noted that some of the electrostatic properties of electric charges also exist when
the charges are in motion.

Electric charges can be stored in devices called cells and capacitors. In a capacitor, electric charges can be removed and replaced within a millionth of a second giving rise to a large number of applications in the radio, television, radar, and communication industries, etc.
